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Showing posts from April, 2024

How to configure Airtel SIP trunk

register => [AirtelSIP] disallow=all allow=all type=friend dtmfmode=rfc2833 qualify=yes nat=force_rport,comedia insecure=invite,port secret=XXXXX#1 defaultexpirey=120 canreinvite=no context=trunkinbound maxexpiry=600 progressinband=yes exten => _65X.,1,AGI(agi:// exten => _65X.,n,SipAddHeader(P-Preferred-Identity: <>) exten => _65X.,n,Progress() exten => _65X.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:2}@AirtelSIP,,tTo) exten => _65X.,n,Hangup() for custom callerid  ;;;;USE CALLER IN HEADER as AIRTEL REQUIRED CID IN HEADER exten => _67X.,1,AGI(agi:// exten => _67X.,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=+${CALLERID(num)}) exten => _67X.,n,SipAddHeader(P-Preferred-Identity:<sip:+${CALLERID(num)}>) exten...

How to install HAProxy Load Balancer ################################################################### Only Haproxy install no need apache and other services. apt update -y apt upgrade -t apt upgrade -y hostnamectl hostnamectl set-hostname hostnamectl apt show haproxy apt install software-properties-common add-apt-repository ppa:vbernat/haproxy-2.8 apt install gnupg gnupg-agent -y add-apt-repository ppa:vbernat/haproxy-2.8 apt update -y apt install haproxy haproxy -v cp -a /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg{,.orig} nano /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg #######START###### global log /dev/log local0 log /dev/log ...

Vicidial Webform as iframe

  vicidial webform as iframe 1) Modify Campaign (Detail view). Put  in "Web Form" or 2) Modify Campaign (Detail view). Put  in "Web Form Two" (be sure to activate web form two's button on the agent screen, read the manual) or 3) Create a Script and put <iframe src="" style="background-color:transparent;" scrolling="auto" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" id="popupFrame" name="popupFrame" width="--A--script_width--B--" height="--A--script_height--B--" STYLE="z-index:17"></iframe> Then you can decide if you want to open this automatically at the start of a call (using the campaign "get call launch" setting) or allow the agent to click on Web Form or the Script Tab at the opportune moment.

Vicidial showing UID as CID - Loopback Dialplan to remove UID

  Vicidial showing UID as CID - Loopback Dialplan to remove UID Topic: Vicidial showing UID instead of CID and Loopback Dialplan      In  vicidial  while dialing out you may notice the  UID as Caller ID  or  Caller Name , both in manual dial as well auto dial. Too remove this UID you have to use  vicidial loopback Dialplan  or your trunk provider should trim the UID from the SIP header.      By default  vicidial  sets the campaign caller ID as Caller ID and UID as the Caller ID name, if your voip trunk provider not trimming the callerid name sent from vicidial, the customers will see the UID as the caller ID. How to remove vicidial UID - CID?       In Vicidial the UID which is showing caller ID can be removed by three ways , particularly for CANDADA dialing you have to remove the UID in From SIP Header. Vicidial Loopback Dialplan Another Asterisk server as Trunk or SBC Trunk provider to Trim d...

ViciDIal: Add External Phone entry for your mobile phone For live monitor using the Real-time Report

  Add External Phone entry of your mobile phone for live monitor using the Real-time Report In this tutorial we will create a Phones entry for your cellphone(mobile phone) and log into the RealTime Report to live monitor agents through the cellphone. 1. Go to the ViciDial administration page, go to the Admin → PHONES section and click on the ADD A NEW PHONE link 2. For this tutorial we will use the following values for the fields on the ADD A NEW PHONE form : phone extension: monitor_cell dialplan number: 911234567890 (this is where you put your cellphone number as you would dial it from a phone on your phone system 9 + 1 + areacode + number as per your dialplan) voicemail box: 0 outbound callerid:  1234567890 (we will leave phone and computer IP address fields blank) server ip: (set this to your server ip) login: monitor_cell password: test status: ACTIVE active account: Y phone type: external full name: manager cell (we will leave company and picture fields blank...

Vicidial SVN Upgrade to Latest Version

  OPTIONAL STEPS(But highly recommended) - Backup existing system: 1. Backup existing system: 1.1 Run this for a 1-server system or server with database on it: (this may take hours on large system) /usr/share/astguiclient/ --debugX 1.2 Run this on dialer/Asterisk-only servers: (do not run this if you only have one server): /usr/share/astguiclient/ --debugX --without-db --without-web 2. Test backup: Create a new (any name) database on any mysql server, apply the backup data to it, and verify a new lead from TODAY is actually in there. 3. On ALL servers: (Database, web, telephony) cd /usr/src/astguiclient Download Vicidial trunk on ALL servers svn checkout svn:// 4. On ONLY database server: Going into mysql and executing the upgrade sql file: mysql (alternatively use mysql -u root -p) use asterisk \. /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.14.sql quit 5. On ALL servers: (Database, web, telephony) cd /usr/src/astguicl...

Setup a ViciDial Cluster with scratch installs

  Setup a ViciDial Cluster with scratch installs   I suggest to take in order to setup a ViciDial Cluster when using scratch install methods. I do things a little different when it comes to this to prepare for worst case scenario that a server may have problems and have to be taken offline, I install all services to each server, such as apache, mysql and asterisk this way if need be, they each can take on additional roles to cover for a server having to be taken out of production. Obviously this is going to assume you have ViciDial already installed on each server with all roles ready to go.    Step 1 – Install Vicidial on each server Install ViciDial with the Vicidial Debian 11 auto installer on each server. Repeat this process on each server and then move on to step 2. Step 2 – Turn off services not needed on each server role Now we need to disable services not needed on each server to save on resources, but this way they are there if they are neede...