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Vicidial SVN Upgrade to Latest Version


OPTIONAL STEPS(But highly recommended) - Backup existing system:

1. Backup existing system:

1.1 Run this for a 1-server system or server with database on it:
(this may take hours on large system)
/usr/share/astguiclient/ --debugX

1.2 Run this on dialer/Asterisk-only servers:
(do not run this if you only have one server):
/usr/share/astguiclient/ --debugX --without-db --without-web

2. Test backup:

Create a new (any name) database on any mysql server, apply the backup data to it, and verify a new lead from TODAY is actually in there.

3. On ALL servers: (Database, web, telephony)

cd /usr/src/astguiclient

Download Vicidial trunk on ALL servers

svn checkout svn://

4. On ONLY database server:

Going into mysql and executing the upgrade sql file:
mysql (alternatively use mysql -u root -p)
use asterisk
\. /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk/extras/upgrade_2.14.sql

5. On ALL servers: (Database, web, telephony)

cd /usr/src/astguiclient/trunk
perl ./

Your original settings should still be the same so you really just have to double check the settings and hit enter through all the options.

NOTES: If you have customized any scripts in the bin or agi folders,
then make sure you back them up before running the script.
This script will replace existing files in the astguiclient installation.

6. For each of your ViciDial servers:

go to the Admin -> Servers -> Modify Server
page and set each one to "Rebuild conf files = Y" and click submit.
This will rebuild the conf files to ensure any changes are updated.

7. On one server only, update your phone codes data:

/usr/share/astguiclient/ --purge-table –debug


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