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Vicidial Enable Contact on Agent Screen and Transfer on Mobile

Enable Contact in System Settings

Changes in Campaign:-

Enable Transfer Preset : CONTACTS

Custom 3-Way Button Transfer : VIEW_CONTACTS

Changes required for like search

in /agc/vdc_db_query.php file modification.

### SEARCHCONTACTSRESULTSview - display search results for contacts search // Added by Manish date 15-03-2022 LIKE SEARCH RESULTSview for forest department
if (strlen($stage) < 3)
{$stage = '670';}

$stmt="SELECT agent_lead_search_method,manual_dial_list_id from vicidial_campaigns where campaign_id='$campaign';";
if ($non_latin > 0) {$rslt=mysql_to_mysqli("SET NAMES 'UTF8'", $link);}
$rslt=mysql_to_mysqli($stmt, $link);
if ($mel > 0) {mysql_error_logging($NOW_TIME,$link,$mel,$stmt,'00431',$user,$server_ip,$session_name,$one_mysql_log);}
$camps_to_print = mysqli_num_rows($rslt);
if ($camps_to_print > 0)
$agent_lead_search_method = $row[0];
$manual_dial_list_id = $row[1];


$last_name = preg_replace("/\'|\"|\\\\|;/","",$last_name);
$first_name = preg_replace("/\'|\"|\\\\|;/","",$first_name);
$phone_number = preg_replace("/\'|\"|\\\\|;/","",$phone_number);
$bu_name = preg_replace("/\'|\"|\\\\|;/","",$bu_name);
$department = preg_replace("/\'|\"|\\\\|;/","",$department);
$group_name = preg_replace("/\'|\"|\\\\|;/","",$group_name);
$job_title = preg_replace("/\'|\"|\\\\|;/","",$job_title);
$location = preg_replace("/\'|\"|\\\\|;/","",$location);

if (strlen($phone_number) >= 2)
$searchSQL .= "office_num LIKE '$%phone_number%'";
elseif (strlen($last_name) > 0)
$searchSQL = "last_name LIKE \"%$last_name%\"";
if (strlen($first_name) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "first_name LIKE \"$first_name\"";
if (strlen($bu_name) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "bu_name LIKE \"%$bu_name%\"";
if (strlen($department) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "department LIKE \"%$department%\"";
if (strlen($group_name) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "group_name LIKE \"%$group_name%\"";
if (strlen($job_title) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "job_title LIKE \"%$job_title%\"";
if (strlen($location) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "location LIKE \"%$location%\"";
elseif (strlen($first_name) > 0)
$searchSQL = "first_name LIKE \"%$first_name%\"";
if (strlen($bu_name) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "bu_name LIKE \"%$bu_name%\"";
if (strlen($department) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "department LIKE \"%$department%\"";
if (strlen($group_name) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "group_name LIKE \"%$group_name%\"";
if (strlen($job_title) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "job_title LIKE \"%$job_title%\"";
if (strlen($location) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "location LIKE \"%$location%\"";
elseif (strlen($bu_name) > 0)
$searchSQL = "bu_name LIKE \"$bu_name\"";
if (strlen($department) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "department LIKE \"%$department%\"";
if (strlen($group_name) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "group_name LIKE \"%$group_name%\"";
if (strlen($job_title) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "job_title LIKE \"%$job_title%\"";
if (strlen($location) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "location LIKE \"%$location%\"";
elseif (strlen($department) > 0)
$searchSQL = "department LIKE \"%$department%\"";
if (strlen($group_name) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "group_name LIKE \"%$group_name%\"";
if (strlen($job_title) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "job_title LIKE \"%$job_title%\"";
if (strlen($location) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "location LIKE \"%$location%\"";
elseif (strlen($group_name) > 0)
$searchSQL = "group_name LIKE \"%$group_name%\"";
if (strlen($job_title) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "job_title LIKE \"%$job_title%\"";
if (strlen($location) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "location LIKE \"%$location%\"";
elseif (strlen($job_title) > 0)
$searchSQL = "job_title LIKE \"%$job_title%\"";
if (strlen($location) > 0)
if (strlen($searchSQL) > 10) {$searchSQL .= " and ";}
$searchSQL .= "location LIKE \"%$location%\"";
elseif (strlen($location) > 0)
$searchSQL = "location LIKE \"%$location%\"";
echo _QXZ("ERROR").": "._QXZ("You must enter in search terms, one of these must be populated: office number, last name, first name")."\n";
echo "<BR><BR>";
echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"hideDiv('SearcHResultSContactsBox');return false;\">"._QXZ("Go Back")."</a>";
echo "</CENTER>";
if ($SSagent_debug_logging > 0) {vicidial_ajax_log($NOW_TIME,$startMS,$link,$ACTION,$php_script,$user,$stage,$lead_id,$session_name,$stmt);}

$ALLsort = array();
$ALLfirst = array();
$ALLlast = array();
$ALLoffice_num = array();
$ALLcell_num = array();
$ALLother_num1 = array();
$ALLother_num2 = array();
$ALLbu_name = array();
$ALLdepartment = array();
$ALLgroup_name = array();
$ALLjob_title = array();
$ALLlocation = array();

##### BEGIN search queries and output #####
$stmt="SELECT count(*) from contact_information where $searchSQL;";

### LOG INSERTION Search Log Table ###
$SQL_log = "$stmt|";
$SQL_log = preg_replace('/;/','',$SQL_log);
$SQL_log = addslashes($SQL_log);
$stmtL="INSERT INTO vicidial_lead_search_log set event_date='$NOW_TIME', user='$user', source='agent', results='0', search_query=\"$SQL_log\";";
if ($DB) {echo "|$stmtL|\n";}
$rslt=mysql_to_mysqli($stmtL, $link);
if ($mel > 0) {mysql_error_logging($NOW_TIME,$link,$mel,$stmtL,'00432',$user,$server_ip,$session_name,$one_mysql_log);}
$search_log_id = mysqli_insert_id($link);

if ( (preg_match("/contact_information/",$tables_use_alt_log_db)) and (strlen($alt_log_server_ip)>4) and (strlen($alt_log_dbname)>0) )
$linkALT=mysqli_connect("$alt_log_server_ip", "$alt_log_login", "$alt_log_pass");
if (!$linkALT) {die(_QXZ("Could not connect: ")."$alt_log_server_ip|$alt_log_login" . mysqli_connect_error());}
mysqli_select_db($linkALT, "$alt_log_dbname");
{$linkALT = $link;}

$rsltALT=mysql_to_mysqli($stmt, $linkALT);
if ($mel > 0) {mysql_error_logging($NOW_TIME,$linkALT,$mel,$stmt,'00433',$user,$server_ip,$session_name,$one_mysql_log);}
$counts_to_print = mysqli_num_rows($rsltALT);
if ($counts_to_print > 0)
$search_result_count = $row[0];

$end_process_time = date("U");
$search_seconds = ($end_process_time - $StarTtime);

$stmtL="UPDATE vicidial_lead_search_log set results='$search_result_count',seconds='$search_seconds' where search_log_id='$search_log_id';";
if ($DB) {echo "|$stmtL|\n";}
$rslt=mysql_to_mysqli($stmtL, $link);
if ($mel > 0) {mysql_error_logging($NOW_TIME,$link,$mel,$stmtL,'00434',$user,$server_ip,$session_name,$one_mysql_log);}

echo "<CENTER>\n";
echo "<font style=\"font-size:14px;font-family:sans-serif;\"><B>";
echo _QXZ("Results Found:")." $search_result_count";
echo "</B></font>\n";
echo "<BR>\n";
echo "<TR>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><font style=\"font-size:10px;font-family:sans-serif;\"><B> &nbsp; # &nbsp; </font></TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><font style=\"font-size:11px;font-family:sans-serif;\"><B> &nbsp; "._QXZ("FIRST NAME")." &nbsp; </font></TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><font style=\"font-size:11px;font-family:sans-serif;\"><B> &nbsp; "._QXZ("LAST NAME")." &nbsp; </font></TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><font style=\"font-size:11px;font-family:sans-serif;\"><B> &nbsp; "._QXZ("OFFICE")." &nbsp; </font></TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><font style=\"font-size:11px;font-family:sans-serif;\"><B> &nbsp; "._QXZ("MOBILE")." &nbsp; </font></TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><font style=\"font-size:11px;font-family:sans-serif;\"><B> &nbsp; "._QXZ("OTHER 1")." &nbsp; </font></TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><font style=\"font-size:11px;font-family:sans-serif;\"><B> &nbsp; "._QXZ("OTHER 2")." &nbsp; </font></TD>";
echo "<TD BGCOLOR=\"#CCCCCC\"><font style=\"font-size:11px;font-family:sans-serif;\"><B> &nbsp; "._QXZ("BU NAME")." &nbsp; </font></TD>";
echo "</TR>";

if ($search_result_count)
$stmt="SELECT first_name,last_name,office_num,cell_num,other_num1,other_num2,bu_name,department,group_name,job_title,location from contact_information where $searchSQL order by first_name,last_name desc limit 1000;";
$rsltALT=mysql_to_mysqli($stmt, $linkALT);
if ($mel > 0) {mysql_error_logging($NOW_TIME,$linkALT,$mel,$stmt,'00435',$user,$server_ip,$session_name,$one_mysql_log);}
$out_logs_to_print = mysqli_num_rows($rsltALT);
if ($format=='debug') {echo "|$out_logs_to_print|$stmt|";}

while ($out_logs_to_print > $u)
$ALLsort[$g] = "$row[0]-----$g";
$ALLfirst[$g] = $row[0];
$ALLlast[$g] = $row[1];
$ALLoffice_num[$g] = $row[2];
$ALLcell_num[$g] = $row[3];
$ALLother_num1[$g] = $row[4];
$ALLother_num2[$g] = $row[5];
$ALLbu_name[$g] = $row[6];
$ALLdepartment[$g] = $row[7];
$ALLgroup_name[$g] = $row[8];
$ALLjob_title[$g] = $row[9];
$ALLlocation[$g] = $row[10];


if ($g < 1)
{echo "<tr bgcolor=white><td colspan=10 align=center>"._QXZ("No results found")."</td></tr>";}

while ($g > $u)
$sort_split = explode("-----",$ALLsort[$u]);
$i = $sort_split[1];

if (preg_match("/1$|3$|5$|7$|9$/i", $u))

echo "<tr $bgcolor>";
echo "<td><font size=1>$u </td>";
echo "<td align=left> <font size=3 face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">$ALLfirst[$i] </td>\n";
echo "<td align=left> <font size=3 face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">$ALLlast[$i] </td>\n";
echo "<td align=left> <font size=3 face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"> &nbsp; <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"PresetSelect_submit('$ALLfirst[$i] $ALLlast[$i]','$ALLoffice_num[$i]','','N','Y');return false;\">$ALLoffice_num[$i]</a> </td>\n";
echo "<td align=left> <font size=3 face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"> &nbsp; <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"PresetSelect_submit('$ALLfirst[$i] $ALLlast[$i]','$ALLcell_num[$i]','','N','Y');return false;\">$ALLcell_num[$i]</a> </td>\n";
echo "<td align=left> <font size=3 face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"> &nbsp; <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"PresetSelect_submit('$ALLfirst[$i] $ALLlast[$i]','$ALLother_num1[$i]','','N','Y');return false;\">$ALLother_num1[$i]</a> </td>\n";
echo "<td align=left> <font size=3 face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"> &nbsp; <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"PresetSelect_submit('$ALLfirst[$i] $ALLlast[$i]','$ALLother_num2[$i]','','N','Y');return false;\">$ALLother_num2[$i]</a> </td>\n";
echo "<td align=left> <font size=3 face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\">$ALLbu_name[$i] </td>\n";
echo "</tr>\n";
echo "<tr $bgcolor>";
echo "<td colspan=8><font class='sh_text'> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <B>"._QXZ("Dept:")."</B> $ALLdepartment[$i] &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <B>"._QXZ("Group").":</B> $ALLgroup_name[$i] &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <B>"._QXZ("Job:")."</B> $ALLjob_title[$i] &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <B>"._QXZ("Location:")."</B> $ALLlocation[$i]</td>";
echo "</tr>\n";

$end_process_time = date("U");
$search_seconds = ($end_process_time - $StarTtime);

$stmtL="UPDATE vicidial_lead_search_log set seconds='$search_seconds' where search_log_id='$search_log_id';";
if ($DB) {echo "|$stmtL|\n";}
$rslt=mysql_to_mysqli($stmtL, $link);
if ($mel > 0) {mysql_error_logging($NOW_TIME,$link,$mel,$stmtL,'00436',$user,$server_ip,$session_name,$one_mysql_log);}
{echo "<tr bgcolor=white><td colspan=10 align=center>"._QXZ("No results found")."</td></tr>";}

echo "</TABLE>";
echo "<BR>";
echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"hideDiv('SearcHResultSContactsBox');return false;\">"._QXZ("Go Back")."</a>";
echo "</CENTER>";
echo _QXZ("ERROR").": "._QXZ("There was a problem with your search terms")."\n";
echo "<BR><BR>";
echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"hideDiv('SearcHResultSContactsBox');return false;\">"._QXZ("Go Back")."</a>";
echo "</CENTER>";
if ($SSagent_debug_logging > 0) {vicidial_ajax_log($NOW_TIME,$startMS,$link,$ACTION,$php_script,$user,$stage,$lead_id,$session_name,$stmt);}
##### END search queries and output #####
echo _QXZ("ERROR").": "._QXZ("Campaign not found")."\n";
echo "<BR><BR>";
echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"hideDiv('SearcHResultSContactsBox');return false;\">"._QXZ("Go Back")."</a>";
echo "</CENTER>";
if ($SSagent_debug_logging > 0) {vicidial_ajax_log($NOW_TIME,$startMS,$link,$ACTION,$php_script,$user,$stage,$lead_id,$session_name,$stmt);}



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