For Capture network interface pcap manually
you need to install tcpdump using below mention command.
Centos 7
yum install tcpdump -y
tcpdump -w filename.pcap -i adapter_name
Example for eth1 interface pcap capture
tcpdump -w trace.pcap -i eth1
You can use sngrep as well
sngrep install centos 7 linux
First of all, add the irontec repository to centos Repos. Create file named sngrep.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d folder and add the following repository to install sngrep.
nano /etc/yum.repos.d/sngrep.repo
Now add the following repository.
Then Import the Irontec repositories public key using the following command.
rpm --import
Now update the yum cache and install the sngrep using the following command.
yum update
yum install sngrep
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