By default Vicidial have the option to record all the calls made via Agent Panel / Campaign.
But Sometimes you need to record the calls which are dialed from phones / extensions directly
There are two methods to enable recording
1. Either Change the Phone Context of the Phones to defaultlog as shown below screenshot
Goto ADMIN -- Phones -- modify the phone
2. Or Add the Below dialplan in your extensions.conf
exten => _99X.,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording. agi,BOTH------Y---Y---Y)
exten => _99X.,n,Dial(SIP/trunkname/${ EXTEN:2})
exten => _99X.,n,Hangup
where 99 is the prefix
If you want a report and download the recording, then
create a userid (users-add a new user) with the same extension number
then go to that userid , click user stats
were you can find the Recordings
By default Vicidial have the option to record all the calls made via Agent Panel / Campaign.
But Sometimes you need to record the calls which are dialed from phones / extensions directly
There are two methods to enable recording
1. Either Change the Phone Context of the Phones to defaultlog as shown below screenshot
Goto ADMIN -- Phones -- modify the phone
2. Or Add the Below dialplan in your extensions.conf
exten => _99X.,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.
exten => _99X.,n,Dial(SIP/trunkname/${
exten => _99X.,n,Hangup
where 99 is the prefix
If you want a report and download the recording, then
create a userid (users-add a new user) with the same extension number
then go to that userid , click user stats
were you can find the Recordings
check default log below mention entry
; custom dialplan entries
exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording. agi,BOTH------Y---Y---Y)
exten => _X.,n,Goto(default,${EXTEN},1)
exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.
exten => _X.,n,Goto(default,${EXTEN},1)
You can easily change the default Phone Context in the phone's entry to a call menu on your system, like "defaultlog", which will send all outbound calls through the agi-NVA_recording.agi script so they can be logged. This script has a lot of different logging options:
# ; 1. logging output (NONE|STDERR|FILE|BOTH)
# ; 2. the ViciDial user ID, if empty it defaults to accountcode(usually phone extension) or vicidial_live_agents user who launched the call
# ; 3. log this call in user_call_log (Y|N) default N
# ; 4. log this call in call_log (Y|N) default N, ONLY NEEDED FOR INBOUND AND INTERSYSTEM CALLS!!!
# ; 5. audio record this call (Y|N) default N
# ; 6. double-log this call in call_log (Y|N) default N, ONLY NEEDED FOR INBOUND CALLMENU FORWARDED CALLS!!!
# ; 7. play the recording ID of this call before recording starts
# ; 8. include the recording ID in the filename
# ; 9. search vicidial_list for phone number dialed (Y|N) default N, assumes 10 digit phone numbers
# ; 10. if 9 is Y, this is search method (ALLLISTS|PHONE) default ALLLISTS, search all lists, use phone setting, CURRENTLY DOES NOTHING
# ; 11. error out and end call if phone number is not found (Y|N) default N
# ; 12. run the phone entry's NVA Call URL (Y|N) default N
# ; 13. if 9 is Y, and phone number is not found, insert into phone's NVA List ID (Y|N) default N
# ; 14. if 13 is Y, override phone's NVA List ID with this list ID when lead is inserted
# ; 15. if 13 is Y, override phone's NVA Phone Code with this phone code when lead is inserted
# ; 16. if 13 is Y, override phone's NVA Status with this status when lead is inserted
# ;custom dialplan entry example: (similar to the defaultlog Call Menu)
#exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------Y---N---Y---N---N---N)
#exten => _X.,n,Goto(default,${EXTEN},1)
#exten => _X.,n,Hangup
# ;inbound to agent example:
#exten => 5678,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------Y---Y---Y---N---N---N)
#exten => 5678,n,Goto(vicidial-auto,5678,1)
#exten => 5678,n,Hangup
# ; example of dial prefix of 94 in System Settings Custom Dialplan to default log
#exten => _941NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(defaultlog,9${EXTEN:2},1)
# ; example of using as Call Menu prompt to record with playing of recording id
# ; example of using as Call Menu prompt to record, search for phone number, run NVA call URL and error if not found
# ;custom dialplan entry example: (similar to the defaultlog Call Menu) with NVA options
#exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------Y---N---Y---N---N---N---Y---ALLLISTS---N---Y---Y)
#exten => _X.,n,Goto(default,${EXTEN},1)
#exten => _X.,n,Hangup
# ; 1. logging output (NONE|STDERR|FILE|BOTH)
# ; 2. the ViciDial user ID, if empty it defaults to accountcode(usually phone extension) or vicidial_live_agents user who launched the call
# ; 3. log this call in user_call_log (Y|N) default N
# ; 4. log this call in call_log (Y|N) default N, ONLY NEEDED FOR INBOUND AND INTERSYSTEM CALLS!!!
# ; 5. audio record this call (Y|N) default N
# ; 6. double-log this call in call_log (Y|N) default N, ONLY NEEDED FOR INBOUND CALLMENU FORWARDED CALLS!!!
# ; 7. play the recording ID of this call before recording starts
# ; 8. include the recording ID in the filename
# ; 9. search vicidial_list for phone number dialed (Y|N) default N, assumes 10 digit phone numbers
# ; 10. if 9 is Y, this is search method (ALLLISTS|PHONE) default ALLLISTS, search all lists, use phone setting, CURRENTLY DOES NOTHING
# ; 11. error out and end call if phone number is not found (Y|N) default N
# ; 12. run the phone entry's NVA Call URL (Y|N) default N
# ; 13. if 9 is Y, and phone number is not found, insert into phone's NVA List ID (Y|N) default N
# ; 14. if 13 is Y, override phone's NVA List ID with this list ID when lead is inserted
# ; 15. if 13 is Y, override phone's NVA Phone Code with this phone code when lead is inserted
# ; 16. if 13 is Y, override phone's NVA Status with this status when lead is inserted
# ;custom dialplan entry example: (similar to the defaultlog Call Menu)
#exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------Y---N---Y---N---N---N)
#exten => _X.,n,Goto(default,${EXTEN},1)
#exten => _X.,n,Hangup
# ;inbound to agent example:
#exten => 5678,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------Y---Y---Y---N---N---N)
#exten => 5678,n,Goto(vicidial-auto,5678,1)
#exten => 5678,n,Hangup
# ; example of dial prefix of 94 in System Settings Custom Dialplan to default log
#exten => _941NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(defaultlog,9${EXTEN:2},1)
# ; example of using as Call Menu prompt to record with playing of recording id
# ; example of using as Call Menu prompt to record, search for phone number, run NVA call URL and error if not found
# ;custom dialplan entry example: (similar to the defaultlog Call Menu) with NVA options
#exten => _X.,1,AGI(agi-NVA_recording.agi,BOTH------Y---N---Y---N---N---N---Y---ALLLISTS---N---Y---Y)
#exten => _X.,n,Goto(default,${EXTEN},1)
#exten => _X.,n,Hangup
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